Stop Putting Other People First

Use Your Passion & Desire To Finally

Show Up

Speak Out

Act Confidently With True Authenticity

Empower Your...

Right to Say NO!

Being afraid of being seen as selfish comes from the anxiety and guilt cycle and stops you from standing up for yourself. Gain the ability to recognize and respond vs react when you are being manipulated or treated unfairly.

When you recognize how guilt robs you of your confidence, joy, power and voice, you will become able to speak your truth honoring your value in all your relationships, whether personal or with clients and business partners.

Right to Shine!

If being called arrogant or passive-aggressive when you take a stand crushes you this is the anxiety and shame cycle at play.

Self-doubt and shame freezes you stopping you from taking confident action. 

Clearing this cycle results in an enthusiastic willingness to be seen and to step up in new ways.

Right to Live in Courageous Authenticity!

When you know exactly what triggers you to retreat into old habits of self-doubt and bending over backward to keep everyone else happy you will emerge with a more powerfully grounded sense of who you truly are with the ability to own and voice your valuegifts and the right to be yourself, impervious to criticism.

Stop Putting Others Wants Ahead Of Your Own!

Embody Your Authentic Self & Own Your Gifts!

Know The Source of Your Magnificent Power!

When you clear the beliefs that collapse your power,

and learn to move stuck emotions, 

you liberate the energy, desire and passion to take bigger action. 

Then you will feel...

maybe for the first time...

  • Your Authentic Inner Value
  • Surging New Confidence
  • Enthusiastic, Real Connection to Life
  • Willingness to Take Risks and Shine
  • Excited to Speak and Act In New Ways!

Expect These Results and More From 

 The Fine Art of Not Giving A Damn Breakthrough Experience!

Lifetime Access To Program Materials

Hi! I am Rozlyn Warren, CHt, ESLC, an Intuitive Wealth & Abundance Coach for Soul-Led Visionaries, who guides spiritually aware visionaries, thought leaders & entrepreneurs who are already getting paid in their business but haven’t begun to scratch the surface of what they’re capable of to break through to 6-figures and beyond. Clearing Imposter Syndrome, not-enoughness and worthiness issues are the first steps to living as the amazing being you truly are!

The Fine Art of Not Giving A Damn Breakthrough Experience$0


D.A.N.C.E. Journal & Advanced Training

The D.A.N.C.E. Journal is core to moving through the emotions, thoughts and beliefs that will come up during our work together. To give you a deeper understanding of the process and power of this unique journaling technique you have access to the first module of the foundational course of Sacred Life Mastery Academy, Cracking The Chrysalis, a Deep Dive Into D.A.N.C.E. Journal

Fully understanding and using this mystical process will exponentially expand your experience.

Are you ready to clear this people-pleasing, co-dependent pattern and start living for yourself? Begin now!!

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  • 1xThe Fine Art of Not Giving A Damn Breakthrough Experience$0

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