Discover Your Powerful Personal Numerology
90-Minute Training Course
Plus Your Very Own
My Personal Year Numerology Journal
(Digital Edition Value $27)

Do you ever wonder why some days you are in flow...on top of the world and so productive, then other days you can barely get out of bed?

What if you could know ahead of time what the energy of the day will hold and how to be in flow more consistently?

By understanding the energy available to you each day you can flow with life rather than constantly fighting your way through. Numerology gives you this information! 

Using the ancient art of Numerology you can determine your Personal Year, Month and Day Numbers that in connection with your birthdate, create a powerful code that can guide your life through the year. All numbers and letters contain a frequency that corresponds to predictable energy traits.

In this course, you will discover how to determine and use your Numerological Codes.


Discovering Your Powerful Personal Numerology Training Course

Discover The Role Numerology Plays In Your Life
Determine your Personal 

>>Numerology Code<<

>>Year Number<<

>>Month Number<<

>>Day Numbers<<

Then you will reveal your specific Power Days...

These are the days when you have extra power for 

success and abundance each month!

After this program you will know: 

  • #1. Your Personal Year – the energy you experience from one birthday to the next. 

  • #2. Your Personal Month – the vibration held in each calendar month.

  • #3. Your Personal Days – the specific energy each day of the year carries for you.

  • #4. Your Personal Power Days – the specific days when you have extra power for success and abundance each month!

  • You will also be able to team up your Personal Numerology with Oracles cards to consistently tap into energy and guidance.

    This will allow you to consciously participate with the Universe and flow with the rhythm of your life connected to your Higher Self and Guides.

How to keep track of all this information?

While this is all wonderful information to have I soon realized that I needed a way to have access to it at my I created the My Personal Year Numerology Journal.

This downloadable, printable journal is included in the Discovering Your Powerful Personal Numerology Training. The Journal itself regularly sells for $27, and it is yours free!

The training is available immediately. Begin today to uncover YOUR Personal Year Numerology!
You have access to the training for the lifetime of the business. 

Discovering Your Powerful Personal Numerology$97

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  • Total payment
  • 1xDiscovering Your Powerful Personal Numerology$97

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