The Resistance Fix!

You have a big mission ... and you want to get on with it, am I right?

So what's stopping you? That's actually a loaded question because it is very personal to you!

When you find yourself spinning your wheels instead of taking the powerful action you know you are to take, you have slipped into a pattern of resistance.

Resistance manifests in different ways, it can look like being overwhelmed by all the decisions that need to be made or the details involved.

It can feel like fear leading to paralyzing perfectionism...

or feeling confused by the scope of the project and where to start...

or even outright rebellion, I'm not doing me check my email for the 100th time!  

While resistance is universal to humans, you have your very own special mix based on your conditioning and learned ways of coping with stress. 

This is why there are a ton of suggestions for ending resistance that don't work for you! Nothing wrong with you or the way you follow directions ;}, they don't take YOU into account!

The Resistance Fix! Breakthrough is unique because it uncovers the exact reasons you, personally, slide into resistance and what to do about it; it creates a Map so you can quickly lead yourself out of any future resistance.

As a Soul-led visionary, you must know how to distinguish resistance from Divine Timing. This is vital to living your life in flow. I will give you a sure-fire way to tell.

You will also discover the secret weapon to training your brain and emotions to WANT to stay motivated and get stuff done! It is a simple fix once you know the secret.

Here's how it works:

Your Resistance Fix! Breakthrough begins with a personal two-hour VIP 1:1 session where we dive deep to create your personal Resistance Map and implement the secret weapon to staying motivated.

To anchor in your Resistance Map Strategy and the secret weapon there are two (2) weeks of accountability through Voxer (a free walkie-talkie type app available on your phone or computer) to celebrate your successes and ask questions any time during the Breakthrough.

We conclude the fix with a 1:1 follow-up call.

You will be fully supported to take consistent, powerful inspired action that feels great!

Your beautiful future is just waiting for you! 

As soon as I receive your information
I will reach out to schedule your VIP session.
I am so excited to share this powerful process and create your personal Resistance Map with you!

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    Pay in Full$555.00
  • Preferred option
    Payment Option2x $300.00

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